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mPEG Ceramides
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mPEG Ceramides

Catalog Name Inquiry
ACM212116762-2 C8 PEG2000 Ceramide Inquiry
ACM212116762-3 C8 PEG5000 Ceramide Inquiry
ACM212116762-4 C8 PEG750 Ceramide Inquiry
ACM212116784-2 C16 PEG2000 Ceramide Inquiry
ACM212116784-3 C16 PEG5000 Ceramide Inquiry
ACM212116784-4 C16 PEG750 Ceramide Inquiry


Case Study

What Are mPEG Ceramides?

mPEG ceramides, also known as methoxy polyethylene glycol ceramides, are a class of amphiphilic lipids that have garnered significant attention in the field of biomedical research due to their unique properties and promising applications. These compounds consist of a ceramide backbone, which is a key structural component of the lipid bilayer in cell membranes, and a polyethylene glycol (PEG) chain, which imparts water solubility to the molecule. This combination of hydrophobic and hydrophilic components makes mPEG ceramides particularly versatile for various biomedical applications.

Synthesis and Structure of mPEG Ceramides

The synthesis of mPEG ceramides involves the conjugation of a PEG chain to the hydroxyl group of the ceramide molecule. This process can be achieved through various chemical reactions, such as esterification or amidation, resulting in the formation of a covalent linkage between the PEG and ceramide moieties. The length of the PEG chain can be tailored to modulate the physicochemical properties of the mPEG ceramide, allowing for customization based on specific application requirements.

Schematic representation of the preparation of pre-pegylated lipoplexes and post-pegylated lipoplexes.Schematic representation of the preparation of pre-pegylated lipoplexes and post-pegylated lipoplexes. [1]

Structurally, mPEG ceramides exhibit a distinctive composition wherein the ceramide segment provides the amphiphilic character essential for membrane interactions, while the PEG chain extends into the aqueous environment, conferring steric stability and water solubility to the overall molecule. This structure facilitates the self-assembly of mPEG ceramides into various nanostructures, such as micelles and liposomes, which are of great interest for drug delivery and therapeutic interventions.

Applications of mPEG Ceramides

The unique properties of mPEG ceramides render them highly advantageous for a wide range of biomedical applications.

  • Drug Delivery

One prominent area of interest is drug delivery, wherein mPEG ceramide-based nanocarriers have shown exceptional promise in enhancing the solubility and bioavailability of hydrophobic drugs. The stealth nature of mPEG-coated nanocarriers allows for prolonged circulation in the bloodstream, leading to enhanced accumulation at target sites and reduced nonspecific uptake by phagocytic cells. Furthermore, the biocompatibility and tunable surface properties of mPEG ceramides make them attractive candidates for formulating stable nanocarriers for gene delivery and vaccine adjuvants.

Ceramide bilayer exchange mechanism.Ceramide bilayer exchange mechanism. [2]

  • Photodynamic Therapy and Imaging

In addition, mPEG ceramides have demonstrated potential for use in photodynamic therapy and imaging applications. By incorporating photosensitizing agents or imaging probes into mPEG ceramide-based nanostructures, targeted and controlled release of therapeutic agents can be achieved, leading to enhanced treatment efficacy and reduced off-target effects. Moreover, the ability of mPEG ceramides to modulate the permeability of biological membranes holds significant implications for cellular uptake mechanisms and intracellular trafficking of payload molecules.

Research Case of mPEG Ceramides

  • Ceramide-PEG for siRNA delivery

Anna Lechanteur et al. developed and characterized pegylated lipoplexes coated with three different densities of PEG: DSPE-PEG2000, DSPE-PEG750, and C8-PEG2000-ceramide (Ceramide-PEG2000). This work used siRNA effective against cancer proteins to conduct in vitro studies on HPV16-positive cells. The results showed that the C8-PEG2000-ceramide lipoplex could effectively release siRNA into the cytoplasm, then reduce cell viability and induce apoptosis without producing cytotoxicity.

PEGylation of lipoplexes.PEGylation of lipoplexes. [3]


  1. L. Peeters, et al. Journal of Controlled Release, 2007, 121(3), 208-217.
  2. Zolnik, Banu S., et al. Drug Metabolism and Disposition, 2008, 36(8), 1709-1715.
  3. Lechanteur, Anna, et al. European Journal of Pharmaceutical Sciences, 2016, 93, 493-503.

Case Study

C8-PEG2000-Ceramide for the Preparation of Polyethylene Glycolated Lipid Complexes

Lipoplexes coated with 20% of Ceramide-PEG2000.

C8-PEG2000-Ceramide can be used to prepare polyethylene glycolated lipid complexes. The optimal balance between cytotoxicity and siRNA effectiveness was achieved with the transfection of lipoplexes coated with 20% Ceramide-PEG2000. This innovative nanovector shows significant potential against various mucosal diseases, including human papillomavirus-induced genital lesions.

The specific methods are as follows:

Cationic liposomes were prepared using the hydration of the lipid film method. A dry lipid film was created with DOTAP, cholesterol, and DOPE in a 1/0.75/0.5 molar ratio, achieving a final lipid concentration of 5.6 mM. The lipid film was rehydrated with RNAse-free water, vortexed, and extruded through a polycarbonate membrane (5 times at 400 nm and 10 times at 200 nm). These cationic liposomes were then complexed with anionic siRNA through spontaneous charge interaction over 30 minutes, maintaining a nitrogen/phosphate (N/P) ratio of 2.5. The volume of liposomes was adjusted based on the type and concentration of siRNA to ensure a constant N/P ratio (2.5) in all experiments.

The post-PEGylation of lipoplexes was performed under continuous stirring. C8-PEG2000-Ceramide was prepared at 1 mM in RNAse-free water and added at different molar ratios (20 mol%) relative to the DOTAP lipid. The stirring process involved continuous mixing of lipoplexes and PEG for 1 hour at 37°C. PEGylated lipoplexes were prepared in a glass vial with a stirring bar and immersed in a magnetic water bath.


  1. Lechanteur A, et al. European Journal of Pharmaceutical Sciences, 2016, 93, 493-503.

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