Vaccine Lab / Alfa Chemistry

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Catalog Number ACMA00049973
Description (β-D-GalNAc-sp)3-NHC(O)-(CH2)2-NHC(O)-PEG3-(CH2)2-N3 tris-β-D-GalNAc ligands bind with asialoglycoprotein receptors (ASGPR) that are highly expressed on hepatocytes resulting in rapid endocytosis of the ligand along with conjugated payloads
Synonyms tris-GalNAc-β-Ala-PEG3-N3, (β-D-GalNAc)3-β-Ala-PEG3-N3, tris-β-GalNAc-β-Alanine-PEG3-azide, triantennary-β-GalNAc-β-Alanine-PEG3-azide
Molecular Weight 1715.9
Molecular Formula C73H130N14O32
Purity >95% (HPLC)
Form Solid
Stability 1 Year
Storage Temperature Store at -20℃
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