Vaccine Lab / Alfa Chemistry
tri-GalNAc(OAc)3 TFA

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tri-GalNAc(OAc)3 TFA

Catalog Number ACM1159408657
CAS 1159408-65-7
Description tri-GalNAc(OAc)3 TFA is a tri-GalNAc ligand that can be used for the synthesis of GalNAc-LYTAC. GalNAc-LYTAC engages the asialoglycoprotein receptor for targeted protein degradation. tri-GalNAc: triantenerrary N-acetylgalactosamine; LYTAC: lysosome-targeting chimera.
Molecular Weight 1907.93
Molecular Formula C81H129F3N10O38
Canonical SMILES CC(O[C@@H]1[C@H]([C@@H](O[C@@H]([C@@H]1OC(C)=O)COC(C)=O)OCCCCC(NCCCNC(CCOCC(COCCC(NCCCNC(CCCCO[C@H]2[C@@H]([C@H]([C@H]([C@H](O2)COC(C)=O)OC(C)=O)OC(C)=O)NC(C)=O)=O)=O)(N)COCCC(NCCCNC(CCCCO[C@H]3[C@@H]([C@H]([C@H]([C@H](O3)COC(C)=O)OC(C)=O)OC(C)=O)NC(C)=O)=O)=O)=O)=O)NC(C)=O)=O.OC(C(F)(F)F)=O
Purity ≥98.0%
Form Oil
Stability 1 Year
Storage Temperature 4℃, sealed storage, away from moisture and light
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