Vaccine Lab / Alfa Chemistry
18:1 TAP (DOTAP, Cl Salt)

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18:1 TAP (DOTAP, Cl Salt)

Catalog Number ACM132172613-2
CAS 132172-61-3
Description DOTAP is one of the most widely used cationic lipids for gene transfection applications. DOTAP is proven to be efficient for in vitro and in vivo transfection applications. Various analogues of TAP are available for structure-activity relationship studies.
Synonyms 1,2-Dioleoyl-3-trimethylammonium-propane chloride salt
Molecular Weight 698.6
Molecular Formula C42H80NO4Cl
Purity >99%
Exact Mass 697.578
Form Powder/Chloroform solution
Hygroscopic No
Light Sensitive Yes
Percent Composition C 72.22%, H 11.54%, Cl 5.08%, N 2.01%, O 9.16%
Stability 1 Year
Storage Temperature -20℃
Transition Temperature <5℃
Knowledge & Learning Q&A

Common Cationic Lipids and Their Applications in Vaccines

Messenger RNA (mRNA) vaccines have emerged as a groundbreaking tool in the realm of vaccine development. Unlike traditional vaccines, mRNA vaccines work by introducing genetic material encoding a specific antigen into cells, prompting the cells to produce the antigen themselves. This approach stimulates an immune response as the body identifies the antigen as foreign and generates antibodies to combat it. One of the key benefits of mRNA vaccines is their agility in design and production, allowing for rapid response to emerging threats such as viral outbreaks or mutations. Get more information on:

  • Role of mRNA in Vaccine Development
  • Importance of Cationic Lipids in mRNA Delivery
  • Cationic Lipids in mRNA Vaccine Formulations
  • Popular Cationic Lipids from Alfa Chemistry
  • Examples of Cationic Lipids Utilized in Vaccines

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