Vaccine Lab / Alfa Chemistry

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Catalog Number ACM56815-1
CAS 56-81-5
Description Glycerol (also called glycerine or glycerin; see spelling differences) is a simple polyol compound. It is a colorless, odorless, viscous liquid that is sweet-tasting and non-toxic. The glycerol backbone is found in all lipids known as triglycerides. It is widely used in the food industry as a sweetener and humectant and in pharmaceutical formulations. Glycerol has three hydroxyl groups that are responsible for its solubility in water and its hygroscopic nature.
Synonyms Glycerin(mist)
IUPAC Name Propane-1,2,3-triol
Molecular Weight 92.09
Molecular Formula C3H8O3
Canonical SMILES C(C(CO)O)O
InChI InChI=1S/C3H8O3/c4-1-3(6)2-5/h3-6H,1-2H2
Boiling Point 290 °C
Melting Point 20 °C(lit.)
Flash Point 320 °F
Purity 99%+
Density 1.25 g/mL(lit.)
Solubility Insoluble in fixed, volatile oils
Appearance Liquid
Storage 5-30 °C
Complexity 25.2
Covalently-Bonded Unit Count 1
Defined Atom Stereocenter Count 0
EC Number 200-289-5
Exact Mass 92.047344113
Heavy Atom Count 6
Hydrogen Bond Acceptor Count 3
Hydrogen Bond Donor Count 3
LogP -1.66810
MDL Number MFCD00004722
Monoisotopic Mass 92.047344113
Physical State Viscous liquid
Rotatable Bond Count 2
Stability Stable. Incompatible with perchloric acid, lead oxide, acetic anhydride, nitrobenzene, chlorine, peroxides, strong acids, strong bases. Combustible.
Storage Conditions 5-30 °C
Topological Polar Surface Area 60.7 Ų
WGK Germany 1
Knowledge & Learning Case Study Q&A

Glycerol for the Synthesis of Propanediol via Catalytic hydrogenolysis Method

Glycerol is converted to propylene glycol by catalytic hydrolysis. Wang Y, et al. RSC Adv, 2015, 5, 74611-74628.

Glycerol can be converted to propylene glycol by catalytic hydrolysis, which provides a new and promising route for the synthesis of propylene glycol. There are three typical reaction mechanisms, i.e., dehydration-hydrogenation, dehydrogenation-dehydration-hydrogenation, and direct hydrogenolysis mechanism.
Dehydration-Hydrogenation Route:
Glycerol is initially dehydrated through an acid-catalyzed reaction to form an intermediate, acetol. The acetol intermediate is then hydrogenated to generate 1,2-PD using the same catalyst. 1,3-PD can be formed from the dehydration of the middle -OH of glycerol to form 3-hydroxypropionaldehyde, followed by subsequent hydrogenation.
Dehydrogenation-Dehydration-Hydrogenation Route:
The reaction takes place in neutral water and alkaline conditions. Glycerol is initially dehydrogenated to form glyceraldehyde on the metal sites of the catalysts. The glyceraldehyde intermediate is then dehydrated on the base sites to form 2-hydroxyacrylaldehyde, which is hydrogenated sequentially on the metal sites to form acetol and propylene glycol. C-C bond cleavage can occur, leading to the formation of ethylene glycol (EG) and C1 byproducts, such as methanol and methane.
Direct-Hydrogenolysis Route:
This mechanism is proposed for glycerol hydrogenolysis on Ir-ReOx/SiO2 catalysts. Glycerol is adsorbed on the interface between the Ir metal surface and the ReOx cluster to form two terminal alkoxides: 2,3-dihydroxypropoxide and 1,3-dihydroxyisopropoxide. Hydride activated on the Ir metal attacks the 2-position of 2,3-dihydroxypropoxide to break the C-O bond, leading to the formation of 1,3-PD. The hydride attack on the 3-position of 2,3-dihydroxypropoxide leads to the formation of 1,2-PD, but this pathway is less favorable due to the instability of the 7-membered-ring transition state.

What is the molecular formula of glycerol?

The molecular formula of glycerol is C3H8O3.

What is the molecular weight of glycerol?

The molecular weight of glycerol is 92.09 g/mol.

What is the IUPAC name of glycerol?

The IUPAC name of glycerol is propane-1,2,3-triol.

What is the InChI of glycerol?

The InChI of glycerol is InChI=1S/C3H8O3/c4-1-3(6)2-5/h3-6H,1-2H2.

What is the InChIKey of glycerol?


What is the canonical SMILES of glycerol?

The canonical SMILES of glycerol is C(C(CO)O)O.

What is the CAS number of glycerol?

The CAS number of glycerol is 56-81-5.

What is the FEMA number of glycerol?

The FEMA number of glycerol is 2525.

What is the GlyTouCan Accession of glycerol?

The GlyTouCan Accession of glycerol is G50720WY, G35293BQ, G82462MI, G62832BV.

What is the KEGG ID of glycerol?

The KEGG ID of glycerol is D00028, C00116.

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